r-series - MustonLube Specialty Lubricants
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3232Save money with Summit R-Series in your refrigeration system
https://www.mustonlube.com/save-money-summit-r-series-refrigeration-system/#respondSat, 07 May 2022 12:29:11 +0000https://mustonlube.com/wp/?p=2824R-Series lubricants are a fully synthetic, food grade PAO-based lubricant suited for both rotary screw and reciprocating compressors. They offer cleaner, long-lasting, more energy-efficient refrigeration systems
Energy is not cheap. The cost of energy consumed by the refrigeration system of a refrigerated warehouse can represent up to 97% of the total energy cost of the plant.
With Summit’s R-Series customers can save more than 5% of energy, compared to the use of traditional mineral oils.
This can be as much as $10,000 per year per compressor. In the end, the lubricant pays for itself in a matter of months!
R-Series lubricants are a totally synthetic, PAO-based lubricant that may be used in both reciprocating and rotary screw compressors. They provide the following benefits in terms of energy and cost savings:
Increased Chemical Stability: Polyalpha olefin (PAO) based synthetic lubricants provide greater chemical stability than mineral oils. This means longer product life, less sludge formation, and a cleaner and more efficient system.
High Thermal Stability: High viscosity index (VI) values (greater than 135 across the entire R-Series) ensures maximum product life, provides proper lubricant film strength across a wide temperature range, and extends the life of the equipment.
Low Vapor Pressure = less oil carryover and reduction of labor / material cost due to extended oil drain / top-off intervals.
Mineral oils, alkylbenzene-based oils, various PAO-based products, and all other regularly used oils are compatible with the R-Series.
Plus, it’s a NSF H1-registered, ISO 21469 food grade product that’s Kosher-approved and Halal certified.
Do you want to invest in cleaner, long-lasting, more energy-efficient refrigeration systems today? Contact us MUSTONLUBE (Authorized Distributor) at sales@mustonlube.com.